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Report No.

Report on activities related to fostering nuclear security culture in Tokai Reprocessing Facility

Kitao, Takahiko ; Takeuchi, Yoshikatsu; Kimura, Takashi ; Kojima, Junji; Shioya, Satoshi; Tasaki, Takashi; Nakamura, Hironobu 

In order to ensure and strengthen nuclear security measures, an active cultivation of nuclear security culture implemented by both entire organization and individual persons is vitally essential. Tokai reprocessing facility has conducted various activities such as case study education and training, yearly posters and patrolling the site by upper-level management that all employees hold a deep rooted belief that there is a credible insider and outsider threat, and that nuclear security is important. These activities are conducted in order to establish the foundation of beliefs and attitudes of effective nuclear security culture based on the IAEA guideline. This report introduces our activities fostering nuclear security culture in Tokai reprocessing facility that the evaluation and the continuous improvement of bidirectional activities by both top-down from multiple management levels and bottom-up from individual employee, and our challenges need to be worked on for the future.



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