※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

New apparatus, "emulsion-flow" extractor, for liquid-liquid extraction


長縄 弘親  ; 永野 哲志  ; 柳瀬 信之*

Naganawa, Hirochika; Nagano, Tetsushi; Yanase, Nobuyuki*


A new liquid-liquid extraction apparatus, named, emulsion-flow extractor, where low cost, simplicity, compactness, high processing speed, high efficiency, and safety go together, is introduced. The emulsion-flow technique can actualize very efficient liquid-liquid extraction with its high two-phase mixing ability to an emulsion by spraying micrometer-sized oil droplets into a counter-current aqueous solution. Meanwhile, this technology can also actualize more than tenfold processing speed in its very rapid phase separation and less than one fifth cost with its very simple structure workable by only solution sending in comparison with mixer-settler that is the most popular industrial liquid-liquid extraction technique. In addition, the emulsion-flow extractor having no drive part in its main body has less trouble and is safer than the conventional extractor.



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