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Report No.

Reduction of water content in calcium aluminate cement with/out phosphate modification for alternative cementation technique

Garcia-Lodeiro, I.*; Irisawa, Keita  ; Jin, F.*; Meguro, Yoshihiro  ; Kinoshita, Hajime*

Cementation of the secondary aqueous wastes from TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is challenging due to the significant strontium content and radioactivity, leading to a potential risk of hydrogen gas generation via radiolysis of water content. The present study investigates the reduction of water content in calcium aluminate cement (CAC) with/out phosphate modification by a heat-treatment during the solidification. The reduction of water in the CAC was found restricted by the rapid formation of crystalline hydration phases, whereas the phosphate-modified system allowed the gradual reduction of water, achieving the reduction of 60% water content at 95$$^{circ}$$C. Curing at 60-95$$^{circ}$$C also eliminated the significant cracks found at 35$$^{circ}$$C in the phosphate system. The possible difference in the amorphous products, NaCaPO$$_{4}$$.nH$$_{2}$$O type at 35$$^{circ}$$C and Ca(HPO$$_{4}$$).xH$$_{2}$$O type at 60-95$$^{circ}$$C, may have contributed to the improvement in the microstructure together with the change in the pore size distribution.



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Category:Construction & Building Technology



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