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Report No.

J-PARC-HI accelerator plan

Harada, Hiroyuki  ; Saha, P. K.   ; Kinsho, Michikazu  

J-PARC facility consists of three accelerators, which are 400 MeV Linac, 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), 50 GeV Main Ring synchrotron (MR). These accelerators provides MW-class high intensity proton beam to multipurpose experiments where the produced secondary particles at targets are used. RCS successfully achieved 1MW output of designed beam power for a short operation time. High energy heavy ion beam with high intensity is required from the neutron star physics, which is a famous science, big science accelerator projects are planned at Germany, Russia and China. Therefore, we studied the heavy ion beam acceleration by using J-PARC accelerator where our accelerator has property of higher intensity. In our presentation, we will report present status and will mention the result for higher intensity of heavy ion beam under design work.



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