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Report No.

Researches of magnetism and strongly correlated electron systems using the time-of-flight spectrometer 4SEASONS

Kajimoto, Ryoichi  

4SEASONS is a time-of-flight direct geometry chopper spectrometer in the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at J-PARC. It is designed for measurements of dynamics in the 10$$^0$$-10$$^2$$ meV energy range. 4SEASONS was originally designed to meet the requirements for studies of high-$$T_c$$ oxide superconductors. Indeed, the scientific research activities have been led by studies on copper oxide superconductors, which were followed by studies on iron-based superconductors. In addition, other magnetic materials such as frustrated magnets and multiferroics are also important research themes on 4SEASONS. Including these materials, the field of magnetism and strongly correlated electron systems dominate 80% of the experiment proposals. In the present talk, I will give a brief introduction about the instrument and show recent examples of scientific outputs in this research field.



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