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Report No.

Construction of Glass Database, 1; Acquisition of required thermodynamic properties for the construction of computational phase diagrams of vitrified wastes

Amamoto, Ippei; Oyama, Koichi ; Nagano, Yuichi*; Jantzen, T.*; Hack, K.*; Fukayama, Daigen*

As the vitrified study of the high-level radioactive waste is usually carried out under the high-temperature circumstance, it spends a lot of time and effort. The actual experiments and/or measurement, therefore, should be undertaken rationally after ascertaining the behaviors of target materials by the theoretical calculation, if possible. From such point of view, the construction of phase diagrams is considered after obtaining necessary thermodynamic properties from existing phase diagrams by CALPHAD method and/or published data. In this paper, several phase diagrams are presented such as the borosilicate glass which is currently used as the vitrified medium for the HLW, the iron-phosphate glass which will be potential vitrified medium for various wastes. Some phase diagrams are also prepared for the vitrified wastes which was loaded fission products such as molybdenum, palladium, etc..



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