※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

軽水炉シビアアクシデント時の炉内高温領域におけるFP化学挙動評価,1; 原子炉冷却系におけるホウ素の移行挙動評価

FP chemistry in a high temperature region of LWR under a severe accident, 1; Boron transport behavior in a reactor coolant system

三輪 周平  ; 井元 純平 ; 宮原 直哉; 逢坂 正彦  

Miwa, Shuhei; Imoto, Jumpei; Miyahara, Naoya; Osaka, Masahiko


BWR control material, boron, would influence the transport behavior of fission product (FP) such as cesium in a reactor coolant system under LWR severe accident. Thus the boron transport behavior was experimentally investigated by using Test bench for FP release and transport (TeRRa). The analysis results of deposits show that changes in weight of tube increase above 900 K and around 700 K, which would be attributed to chemical reaction with stainless steel and condensation of boron vapor onto stainless tubes, respectively. From these results, it is concluded that the released boron vapor would react with stainless steel and condense in the temperature range of reactor coolant system.



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