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Theoretical study of the $$Xi(1620)$$ and $$Xi(1690)$$ resonances in $$Xi_c to pi+MB$$ decays

Miyahara, Kenta*; Hyodo, Tetsuo*; Oka, Makoto   ; Nieves, J.*; Oset, E.*

Nonleptonic weak decays of $$Xi_c$$ into $$pi^+$$ and a meson-baryon final state, $$MB$$, are analyzed from the viewpoint of probing $$S=-2$$ baryon resonances, i.e. $$Xi (1620)$$ and $$Xi (1690)$$. We argue that the weak decay of $$Xi_c$$ is dominated by a single quark-line diagram. The decay process has an advantage of being free from meson resonances in the $$pi+M$$ invariant mass distribution. The invariant mass distribution of the meson-baryon final state is calculated, assuming that the $$Xi (1620)$$ and $$Xi (1690)$$ resonances have $$J^P = 1/2^-$$. It is found that a clear peak for the $$Xi(1690)$$ is seen in the $$pi Xi$$ and $$K^-Lambda$$ spectra. We also suggest that the ratios of the $$pi Xi$$, $$K^-Lambda$$ and $$K^-Sigma$$ final states are useful to distinguish whether the peak is originated from the $$Xi (1690)$$ resonance or it is a $$K^- Sigma$$ threshold effect.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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