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Report No.

ROSA/LSTF test on nitrogen gas behavior during reflux condensation in PWR and RELAP5 code analyses

Takeda, Takeshi ; Otsu, Iwao 

We conducted an experiment focusing on nitrogen gas behavior during reflux condensation in PWR with ROSA/LSTF. The primary pressure was lower than 1 MPa under constant core power of 0.7% of volumetric-scaled (1/48) PWR nominal power. Steam generator (SG) secondary-side collapsed liquid level was maintained at certain liquid level above SG U-tube height. Nitrogen gas was injected stepwise into each SG inlet plenum at certain constant amount. The primary pressure and degree of subcooling of SG U-tubes were largely dependent on amount of nitrogen gas accumulated in SG U-tubes. Nitrogen gas accumulated from outlet towards inlet of SG U-tubes. Non-uniform flow behavior was observed among SG U-tubes with nitrogen gas ingress. The RELAP5/MOD3.3 code indicated remaining problems in predictions of the primary pressure and degree of subcooling of SG U-tubes depending on number of nitrogen gas injection. We studied further non-uniform flow behavior through sensitivity analyses.



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