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Circular dichroism in resonant angle-resolved photoemission spectra of LaNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$

Nakatani, Yasuhiro*; Fujiwara, Hidenori*; Aratani, Hidekazu*; Mori, Takeo*; Tachibana, Shoichi*; Yamaguchi, Takashi*; Kiss, Takayuki*; Yamasaki, Atsushi*; Yasui, Akira*; Yamagami, Hiroshi*; Tsuruta, Atsushi*; Miyawaki, Jun*; Ebihara, Takao*; Saito, Yuji  ; Sekiyama, Akira*

We report the soft X-ray angle-resolved photoemission study for LaNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$ to reveal the electronic structures derived from non-4$$f$$ bands of the heavy fermion compound CeNi$$_{2}$$Ge$$_{2}$$. The photoemission spectra recorded at the La M$$_{4,5}$$ absorption edges clearly show the enhancement of the La 5$$d$$ components in the valence band spectra. The circular dichroism of photoemission spectra reveals the band-dependent dichroic response due to the orbital symmetry.



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