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Report No.

Spin caloric effects in antiferromagnets assisted by an external spin current

Gomonay, O.*; Yamamoto, Kei   ; Sinova, J.*

Searching for novel spin caloric effects in antiferromagnets we study the properties of thermally activated magnons in the presence of an external spin current and temperature gradient. We predict the spin Peltier effect - generation of a heat flux by spin accumulation - in an antiferromagnetic insulator with cubic or uniaxial magnetic symmetry. This effect is related with spin-current induced splitting of the relaxation times of the magnons with opposite spin direction. We show that the Peltier effect can trigger antiferromagnetic domain wall motion with a force whose value grows with the temperature of a sample. We also demonstrate that the external spin current can induce the magnon spin Seebeck effect.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Applied



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