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Report No.

Evaluation of activated nuclides due to secondary particles produced in stripper foil in J-PARC RCS

Yoshimoto, Masahiro  ; Okabe, Kota  ; Harada, Hiroyuki  ; Kinsho, Michikazu  ; Kato, Shinichi*

The charge exchange multi-turn beam injection scheme is adopted in the J-PARC 3GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron Accelerator (RCS) due to achieve 1MW beam power operation. In the conventional multi-turn beam injection scheme, which is provided by only the septum and bump magnets, injecting turn numbers are limited by the beam losses at the septum. On the other hand, charge exchange multi-turn beam injection does not cause the beam losses at the septum; there is no restriction in principle on the injecting turn number. However, high residual doses are observed around the stripper foil. During the charge exchange multi-turn beam injection, not only the injecting beam but also circulating beam hit the foil, and then a large number of secondary particles, namely protons and neutrons, are generated. PHITS simulation results indicate that the secondary particles cause the high residual doses around the foil. To verify this examination, secondary particles measurement is key issue. But injection system is too complex to detect the pure signals of the secondary particles from the stripper foil. Thus, a new independent type foil introducing device is installed in the 100$$^{circ}$$ dump beam transport line in order to construct a simple experimental system for secondary particle measurements. We plan the two experiments by using this system; one is a directly secondary particle detecting method, and the other is a radioactivation analysis method with metal sample pieces. Now, we started the study of how the identification of species and energies of the secondary particles with PHITS code. In this presentation, we report the simulation results of the utility of the radioactivation analysis method.



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