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Report No.

Experimental investigation on dependence of decontamination factor on aerosol number concentration in pool scrubbing under normal temperature and pressure

Sun, Haomin   ; Machida, Shinichi*; Shibamoto, Yasuteru ; Okagaki, Yuria  ; Yonomoto, Taisuke 

Pool scrubbing is one of the efficient filters with a high decontamination factor (DF). Because of its high performance, many pool scrubbing research have been performed. In the existing pool scrubbing experiments, an experimental condition of aerosol number concentration was seldom taken into account. It is probably because DF is assumed to be independent of aerosol number concentration, at least, in the concentration where aerosol coagulation is limited. The existing pool scrubbing models also follow this assumption. In order to verify this assumption, we performed a pool scrubbing experiment with different aerosol number concentrations. As a result, DF was increasing as decreasing the aerosol number concentration. In order to ensure a reliability of this result, three validation tests were performed with meticulous care. According to the results of these validation tests, it was indicated that DF dependence on the aerosol concentration was a real phenomenon of the pool scrubbing.



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