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Report No.

Materials for the information security education; FY 2013-2017

Ueno, Asuka; Yashiro, Shigeo; Uno, Kiichiro*; Aoki, Kazuhisa

Cyberattacks causing serious damage are ongoing as seen in the incidents such as personal information leakage from the Japan Pension Service by unauthorized access in 2015, and a massive ransomware infection across the world in 2017. Recently, threats in the cyberspace has been growing, such as sending an order form, shipping notification, while pretending a real company to persuade recipient to open an attached file with embedded unforeseen malware, or to click on a link in the email to malicious website. In these circumstances, the information security countermeasures are important issues at the JAEA. CCSE therefore is striving to promote proactive information security countermeasures with the three aspects of (1) Maintenance of the information security regulations, (2) Countermeasures with information security products having a new protection technology, (3) Implementation of information security education and training for the employees to maintain and improve their ability to respond. This report is a summary of the contents of the information security education by e-learning.



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