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Report No.

Conceptual design of the steam reforming system for hydrogen production connected to HTTR

Iwatsuki, Jin ; Ohashi, Hirofumi ; Yan, X. 

The HTTR is a 30MW, 950$$^{circ}$$C high temperature engineering test reactor built and operated on the site of the Oarai Research & Development Center of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). In the framework of the HTTR project, JAEA has been conducting a research and development on the steam reforming system (CH$$_{4}$$ + H$$_{2}$$O = 3H$$_{2}$$ + CO). JAEA had constructed a mock-up test facility in 2002, and investigated transient behavior of the hydrogen production system and established system controllability. Based on the results and experience of above, the conceptual design of steam reforming system for hydrogen production connected to HTTR has been studied. The system condition was optimized considering the HTTR specification and the experience on the construction and the operation of the mock-up test facility. The hydrogen production system is heated with about 0.2MW transported from the HTTR to the hydrogen system via a helium loop. The system produces about 70 Nm$$^{3}$$/h hydrogen.



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