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ROSA/LSTF tests and posttest analyses by RELAP5 code for accident management measures during PWR station blackout transient with loss of primary coolant and gas inflow

Takeda, Takeshi ; Otsu, Iwao 

Three tests were carried out with LSTF, simulating accident management (AM) measures during PWR station blackout transient with loss of primary coolant under assumptions of nitrogen gas inflow and total-failure of high-pressure injection system. As AM measures, steam generator (SG) depressurization was done by fully opening relief valves, and auxiliary feedwater was injected into secondary-side simultaneously. Conditions for break size and onset timing of AM measures were different. Primary pressure decreased to below 1 MPa with or without primary depressurization by fully opening pressurizer relief valve. Nonuniform flow behaviors were observed in SG U-tubes with gas ingress depending on gas accumulation rate in two tests that gas accumulated remarkably. The RELAP5/MOD3.3 code indicated remaining problems in predictions of primary pressure, SG U-tube liquid levels, and natural circulation mass flow rates after gas inflow and accumulator flow rate through analyses for two tests.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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