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Report No.

The International PRIME partnership; An Opportunity to help ensure successful near-term deployments of modern HTGRs

Haynes, M.*; Wrochna, G.*; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko 

The Prismatic Block HTGR is a mature, intrinsically safe, and extremely versatile energy technology that can proceed to full development and licensing almost immediately resulting in a completed FOAK demonstration within 15 years. A high level of interest in this technology exists in Poland, the U.S., Japan, Korea and other countries. The proposed international PRIME partnership centers on two concepts: (1) Parallel deployments of very similar, but market-appropriate sized prismatic block HTGRs (7500$$^{circ}$$C outlet temperature) for industrial process heat in both the U.S. and Poland; and (2) A longer-term development program to increase reactor outlet temperatures for hydrogen production, etc. We believe that the PRIME partnership can reduce development and licensing costs for each of our countries, expand international markets, and help attract and sustain the funding and political support necessary to ensure successful FOAK deployments. This paper will describe in more detail the PRIME Partnership and its justifications.



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