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Thermal properties of fluorite-type metal dioxides; CeO$$_{2}$$, ThO$$_{2}$$, UO$$_{2}$$, NpO$$_{2}$$, PuO$$_{2}$$ and AmO$$_{2}$$

Kato, Masato   

Actinide dioxide having a fluorite structure is one of prospective candidates as a fuel of advanced reactors. Thermal property of nuclear fuels is essential data to evaluate fuel performance. Therefore, great efforts to measure properties and understand their mechanism have been made so far. It is well-known that thermal properties of actinide oxides changes significantly depending on temperature, and their mechanisms is complicated. Author's research group has studied on thermal properties of CeO$$_{2}$$, UO$$_{2}$$, PuO$$_{2}$$ and their solid solution. In this work, basic properties of various fluorite-type dioxides were summarized, and temperature dependence of thermal properties were evaluated.



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