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Report No.

Development of PALS evaluation technique using a miniature specimen

Ando, Hirokazu*; Yamawaki, Masato*; Hirade, Tetsuya  ; Akiyoshi, Masafumi*

The positron lifetime measurement method (PALS) is a useful tool for evaluating nanometer-sized vacancy defects in metals and semiconductors. Especially in the material development for nuclear fusion reactors or nuclear reactors, elucidation of damage behavior by radiation is an important subject. However, PALS always needs to have large enough two specimens. At present, miniaturization of sample is strongly required to reduce radioactivity, but this restriction is a big hindrance to the application of PALS. In this research, we developed a measurement system that can measure positron lifetime with one specimen of arbitrary shape. Positron surrounding the specimen with a scintillator and not incident on the specimen was detected by the light emission of the scintillator, and PALS measurement in the sample was attempted by excluding treatment (anti-coincidence). As a result, we succeeded in obtaining a spectrum which is roughly in agreement with the conventional measurement method.



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