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Report No.

Tensile fracture test of metallic wire of beam profile monitors

Miura, Akihiko ; Kawane, Yusuke*; Moriya, Katsuhiro  ; Futatsukawa, Kenta*; Miyao, Tomoaki*; Fukuoka, Shota*

In order to mitigate the beam loss during a beam transportation in the high-brilliant accelerator facilities, wire-based profile monitors are used to measure by both transverse and longitudinal beam profiles using wire-scanner monitors and bunch-shape monitors for the tuning of quadrupole magnets and buncher cavities. Signals are generated due to the direct interaction between a metallic wire and beam. We have used the tungsten wire as a high melting-point material by estimation of heat loading during the impact of beam particles. In addition, a spring is applied for the relaxing a flexure under wire's own weight. A tensile fracture test is conducted by supplying an electrical current as a simulated beam loading. As the results, we obtained the relation between the thermal limit to fracture and tension loading of tungsten wire.



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