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 年 ~ 

Problems of DPA cross-sections above 20 MeV in FENDL-3.1d found in A-FNS neutronics analysis


権 セロム*; 今野 力  ; 太田 雅之*; 春日井 敦*

Kwon, Saerom*; Konno, Chikara; Ota, Masayuki*; Kasugai, Atsushi*


We found out that there was a questionable iron DPA value just above 20 MeV neutron energy in neutronics analyses of A-FNS using FENDL-3.1d. Our detailed investigation on the iron data in FENDL-3.1d figured out that residual nucleus production yield data of $$^{56}$$Fe just above 20 MeV had a problem, which caused a sharp spike just above 20 MeV in the DPA cross section of $$^{56}$$Fe. Thus we modified the yield data of $$^{56}$$Fe and verified that the questionable DPA value disappeared using the modified data. We also examined DPA cross sections of other nuclei in FENDL-3.1d. It was found out that DPA cross sections of more than 70% of nuclei in FENDL-3.1d have similar problems as that of $$^{56}$$Fe.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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