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Report No.

Conceptual design of a single-ended MA cavity for J-PARC RCS upgrade

Yamamoto, Masanobu   ; Nomura, Masahiro  ; Shimada, Taihei ; Tamura, Fumihiko   ; Furusawa, Masashi*; Hara, Keigo*; Hasegawa, Katsushi*; Omori, Chihiro*; Sugiyama, Yasuyuki*; Yoshii, Masahito*

The J-PARC RCS employs Magnetic Alloy (MA) loaded cavities. The RF power is fed by vacuum tubes in push-pull operation. We realize multi-harmonic RF driving and beam loading compensation thanks to the broadband characteristics of the MA. However, the push-pull operation has disadvantages in multi-harmonics. An unbalance of the anode voltage swing remarkably appears at very high intensity beam acceleration. We propose a single-ended MA cavity for the RCS beam power upgrade, where no unbalance arises intrinsically.



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Category:Physics, Particles & Fields



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