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Review of the performance of a car-borne survey system, KURAMA-II, used to measure the dose rate after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident

Tsuda, Shuichi  ; Tanigaki, Minoru*; Yoshida, Tadayoshi ; Saito, Kimiaki  

JAEA has started to perform dose rate monitoring using a car-borne survey system KURAMA to rapidly produce the dose rate mappings of the deposited radionuclides in the environment after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. KURAMA is a car-borne survey system developed by Kyoto University to perform dose rate monitoring in a wide area in detail with rapidity. By improving KURAMA with continuous dose rate monitoring, the 2nd generation of KURAMA (KURAMA-II) succeeded in downsizing, durability and automated transmission of data so that enable detailed dose rate mapping in wide area in shorter period of time. This paper reports the radiation characteristics and the simulation analysis of KURAMA-II on the special issue of Hoshasen, the journal of Ionization Radiation Division in the Japan society of applied physics.



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