※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

部会・連絡会セッション,核データ部会「シグマ」特別専門委員会共催; 我が国における核データ計算コード開発の現状と将来ビジョン,3; 重陽子入射断面積計算コードDEURACSの開発

Joint Session of Nuclear Data Subcommittee and Sigma Special Advisory Committee; Present status and future of nuclear data evaluation code in Japan, 3; Development of DEURACS for prediction of deuteron-induced reaction cross section

中山 梓介  

Nakayama, Shinsuke


Toward development of accurate deuteron nuclear data, we have been developing a computational code dedicated for the deuteron-induced reaction, called DEURACS. The author presented the developmental status and the future outlook of DEURACS in the joint session of nuclear data subcommittee and sigma special advisory committee, and contributed the outline of the presentation to Nuclear Data News. From our preceding work, it has become possible to predict the $$(d,xn)$$ reactions on light nuclei and the $$(d,xt)$$ reactions. These reactions are important in relation to evaluation of neutron sources and tritium production, respectively. In the future, we plan to improve theoretical models implemented in DEURACS for accurate prediction of nuclide production cross-section on medium-heavy nuclei.



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