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Report No.

Measurement of neutron-production double-differential cross sections in most-forward direction by proton incidences

Satoh, Daiki   ; Iwamoto, Yosuke   ; Ogawa, Tatsuhiko   

Many neutrons are produced in forward directions by intermediate-energy proton-induced reactions. While it is known that collective motion in a target nucleus plays important role in this neutron production, validity of theoretical model and nuclear-data library has not been examined well due to a lack of experimental data. Hence, we obtained systematic data of neutron-production double-differential cross section in the most-forward direction. The experiment was performed at TIARA of Takasaki Advanced Radiation Research Institute, QST. 34-MeV proton beams were bombarded upon thin carbon, aluminum, iron, and lead target, and the neutrons produced in the most-forward direction were led to experimental room passing through a collimator. Scintillation detectors were used to the neutron detection. In comparison with the calculation results of PHITS, it was found that the theoretical model INCL always overestimate the cross sections, and the evaluated nuclear-data library JENDL-4.0/HE reproduce the measure spectra better than the INCL does.



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