Approaches for observation inside the cell storing HAW tank at TRP
所 颯; 三好 竜太; 松木 拓也
; 安田 猛; 蔦木 浩一 
Tokoro, Hayate; Miyoshi, Ryuta; Matsuki, Takuya; Yasuda, Takeshi; Tsutagi, Koichi
High active liquid waste (HAW) of about 340 m
is stored in the HAW tanks at the Tokai Reprocessing Plant. However there is no effective observation method inside the cell installing the HAW tank since no one can enter because of its high dose rate. This time, by utilizing the existing guide rail, design and manufacture of the new device for observation, optimization of the device by mockup, inside the cell observation and dose rate distribution measurement inside the cell were conducted. As the result, we were succeeded in observation of the HAW tank and measurement of the dose rate distribution inside the cell for the first time. Here we report the results of those approaches.