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Report No.

Reaction between spin-correlated triplet positronium and OH radical in water

Hirade, Tetsuya  

OH radicals which are very reactive are formed by radiation decomposition in water. The behavior of OH radicals is important in corrosion of materials and reactions in living bodies. Recently, the reaction occurring between positronium (Ps) formed by OH radicals formed at the end of the positron track when positron is incident and positronium (Ps) formed by reaction of excess electrons formed with OH radical formation with the thermo-positron, it is reported that quantum beat occurs due to spin correlation. This quantum beat seems to have a period depending on the hyperfine coupling constant of OH radical. It is thought that the period and intensity of the quantum beat depends on the temperature, and it seems that it reflects the state around the OH radical. From the temperature dependence of the quantum beat detected by the reaction of this spin-correlated OH radical and triplet positronium we will explain what the liquid structure might be.



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