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Report No.

Study on source of radioactive material in primary coolant of HTTR

Ishii, Toshiaki ; Shimazaki, Yosuke ; Ono, Masato ; Fujiwara, Yusuke ; Ishitsuka, Etsuo   ; Hamamoto, Shimpei  

In the primary cooling system of the High-Temperature Engineering Test Reactor, the highest dose rate was observed at the Helium Gas Circulator filter areas. To find the origin of the radioactive material, the radiation dose rates, and $$gamma$$ ray spectrums were measured. From these results, it is clear that the main radioactive nuclide at the filter is $$^{60}$$Co after 6 years reactor shutdown, and the in-core materials are a low possibility as the candidates of radioactive materials. It is also clear that the mixtures of materials, the contained low-level impurities and other new candidate materials must be considered.



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