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Design of HTTR-GT/H$$_{2}$$ test plant


Yan, X. ; 佐藤 博之  ; 角田 淳弥 ; 野本 恭信*; 堀井 翔一*; 今井 良行  ; 笠原 清司  ; 鈴木 孝一*; 岩月 仁 ; 寺田 敦彦  ; 橘 幸男 ; 大野 征博*; 山田 慎一*; 須山 和昌*

Yan, X.; Sato, Hiroyuki; Sumita, Junya; Nomoto, Yasunobu*; Horii, Shoichi*; Imai, Yoshiyuki; Kasahara, Seiji; Suzuki, Koichi*; Iwatsuki, Jin; Terada, Atsuhiko; Tachibana, Yukio; Ono, Masahiro*; Yamada, Shinichi*; Suyama, Kazumasa*


The pre-licensing design of an HTGR cogeneration test plant to be coupled to JAEA's existing test reactor HTTR is presented. The plant is designed to demonstrate the system of JAEA commercial plant design GTHTR300C. With construction planned to be completed around 2025, the test plant is expected to be the first-of-a-kind nuclear system operating on two of the advanced energy conversion systems attractive for the HTGR closed cycle helium gas turbine for power generation and thermochemical iodine-sulfur water-splitting process for hydrogen production.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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