Effect of neutron irradiation on rhenium cluster formation in tungsten and tungsten rhenium alloys and Introduction of the research for aging management of JAEA
Hwang, T.; Hasegawa, Akira*; Tomura, Keiko*; Ebisawa, Naoki*; Toyama, Takeshi*; Nagai, Yasuyoshi*; Fukuda, Makoto*; Miyazawa, Takeshi*; Tanaka, Teruya*; Nogami, Shuhei*
To clarify the irradiation hardening behavior of neutron-irradiated tungsten(W), the formation behavior of rhenium(Re)-enriched cluster and W-Re precipitation with displacement damage in fission reactors environment was investigated by the atom probe tomography (APT) technique, and the results obtained by APT and microstructural observation by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were compared. The samples were irradiated to 0.96 dpa at 538C in a fast experimental reactor Joyo, and irradiated to 0.90 dpa at 500C in a mixed spectrum reactor HFIR. The chemical compositions of the matrix, Re clusters, and precipitates were determined by the AP analysis. The Joyo-irradiated samples contained lower levels of transmuted Re and Os, while the HFIR-irradiated samples contained higher levels of Re and Os. The Re-enriched clusters demonstrated characteristic spatial distribution related to defect cluster distribution in each irradiated specimen.