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Report No.

Numerical simulation of distribution of melt component in reactor

Sato, Takumi ; Hirata, Naoya*; Oikawa, Katsunari*; Nagae, Yuji ; Kurata, Masaki 

Macroscopic segregation of molten core and melt components occurs with slow cooling rate in the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants. In this study, solidification and microscopic segregation are simulated with the Scheil model and thermal properties calculated by Thermo-calc in order to investigate an influence of cooling conditions on macroscopic segregation. A macroscopic segregation behaviour has been calculated for UO$$_{2}$$-ZrO$$_{2}$$-FeO system, which are major oxides of molten core materials in various conditions. According to calculated results, UO$$_{2}$$ and ZrO$$_{2}$$ were concentrated in initial solidification area. On the other hand, FeO was strongly concentrated in later solidification area. FeO was significantly segregated because FeO does not be dissolved in UO$$_{2}$$ and ZrO$$_{2}$$. In addition, macroscopic segregation tends to become stronger in the conditions of slow solidification rate and fast velocity of solidification interface.



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