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Report No.

Cesium chemisorption behavior onto stainless steel at temperatures higher than 1073 K

Nakajima, Kunihisa  ; Nishioka, Shunichiro; Suzuki, Eriko   ; Miradji, F.; Osaka, Masahiko  

Radioactive cesium (Cs) localized in the upper region of reactor pressure vessel (RPV) is one of the major concerns, especially in the case of the fuel debris retrieval accessing from top of the RPV. For estimation of amount of Cs chemisorbed onto structure materials, Cs chemisorption model is developed and incorporated into present severe accident codes. However, this chemisorption model cannot accurately reproduce experimental results. Therefore, this study elucidates essential factors influencing the Cs chemisorption behavior and construct the Cs chemisorption model considering these factors. It was found that this model can more accurately reproduce not only our experimental results but also the results used to construct the existing chemisorption model.



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