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Report No.

Dynamical density matrix renormalization group study of spin and charge excitations in the four-leg $$t$$-$$t'$$-$$J$$

Toyama, Takami; Mori, Michiyasu  ; Sota, Shigetoshi*

We investigate the dynamical spin and charge structure factors of the $$t$$-$$t'$$-$$J$$ four-leg ladder by using dynamical density-matrix renormalization group. The dynamical charge structure factor along the momentum direction from $$q=(0,0)$$ to $$(pi,0)$$ clearly shows low-energy excitations corresponding to the stripe order in hole doping. On the other hand, the stripe order weakens in electron doping, resulting in less low-energy excitations in the charge channel. In spin channel, we find incommensurate spin excitations near $$q=(pi,pi)$$ forming a hour-glass behavior in hole doping, while in electron doping we find clearly spin-wave-like dispersions starting from $$q=(pi,pi)$$. Along the $$(0,0)$$-$$(pi,0)$$ direction, the spin excitations are strongly influenced by the stripes in hole doping, resulting in two branches that form a discontinuous behavior in the dispersion. In contrast, the electron-doped systems show a downward shift in energy toward $$(pi,0)$$.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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