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Report No.

Adsorption of Cs onto biogenic birnessite; Effects of layer structure, ionic strength, and competition cations

Yu, Q.*; Tanaka, Kazuya  ; Kozai, Naofumi   ; Sakamoto, Fuminori  ; Tani, Yukinori*; Onuki, Toshihiko

Most of Mn oxides are biogenic and known to adsorb cesium (Cs) on the surface. This study investigated structural transformation of biogenic birnessite by accommodating commonly occurring natural heavy metals (Zn, Ni) during the formation of Mn oxides and the influence of those metals on the adsorption behavior of Cs on Mn oxides. It was found that the presence of heavy metals during bio-oxidation of Mn(II), followed by exposure to a low pH aqueous solution, increased the number of available layer vacancies, which consequently increased the adsorption capacity of Cs in the final product birnessite.



- Accesses




Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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