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Report No.

A New technique for removing strontium from seawater by coprecipitation with barite

Tokunaga, Kohei   ; Kozai, Naofumi   ; Takahashi, Yoshio*

In the present study, we looked at the removal efficiency of Sr by using barite (BaSO$$_{4}$$) under various experimental conditions to develop techniques for the direct removal of Sr from seawater. The uptake of Sr by barite was found to be dependent on pH, saturation state, and [Ba$$^{2+}$$]/[SO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$] ratio in initial aqueous solution, showing that most of the aqueous Sr can be removed from the aqueous solution by adjusting these parameters. However, the effects of ionic strength and competitive ions were negligible, suggesting the effectiveness of its application to removal of Sr from seawater. Batch experiments were also conducted in a seawater system, and a rather high removal efficiency of Sr from seawater (more than 90%) was achieved. Considering its high removal and retention efficiency of Sr in seawater systems, barite is a reliable material for the removal of Sr from seawater.



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Category:Engineering, Environmental



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