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Report No.

Spectroscopic study of hyperon resonance below $$bar{K}N$$ threshold via the $$d(K^-,n)$$ reaction

Inoue, Kentaro*; Hashimoto, Tadashi   ; Tanida, Kiyoshi   ; 69 of others*

We have taken the data of the $$(K^-,n)$$ reaction on the $$D_2$$ target in May, 2015. In this reaction, it is expected that the $$K^-$$ kicks a neutron and produces the $$Lambda(1405)$$ in a backward angle. We identify the final state of $$K^- d to npi^+pi^-n$$ by detecting the forward neutron, $$pi^+$$ and $$pi^-$$ and obtain the $$d(K^-,n)pi^{mp}Sigma^{pm}$$ spectrum excluded $$K^0$$ and forward-going $$Sigma$$ productions. We observed few hundred events in the region below the $$bar{K}N$$ threshold.



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