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Ethics of nuclear power stakeholders necessary to provide against disasters; Consideration on the safety culture within R&D institution

Ito, Kimio ; Nomura, Norio; Kugo, Akihide*; Iimoto, Takeshi*

Seven years have passed since the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F), efforts such as regulation based on the 1F accident, further safety measures, safety culture development, etc. were strengthened, and some nuclear facilities such as nuclear power plants and research reactors have been restarted. Under these circumstances, the Ethics Committee of AESJ held a planning session several times on the theme of "Ethics of Nuclear Personnel Necessary to Prepare for Disaster" based on the lessons learned in 1F accident. This time, we will present reports and topics on efforts towards safety culture development activities at JAEA on safety culture of nuclear research institutes, as well as some comments from experts, about safety culture and engineer/researcher ethics at nuclear research institutes. We would like to discuss these issues with participants based on those information and make reference to future stakeholders' efforts for their safety culture development.



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