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Report No.

Study on a building and improvement of public acceptance for fast reactor and advanced reactor, 2; Significance and introduction strategy for the fast reactor cycle from viewpoints of nuclear fuel cycle mass balance analyses

Ohtaki, Akira ; Nakamura, Hirofumi ; Koito, Yuko  ; Sato, Yoshiki*

Plutonium balance of quality and quantity and an increase of MOX spent fuel are important factor for the future fuel cycle. In order to substantiate these countermeasures, we examined the solution by the fast reactor cycle and evaluated the effectiveness of introducing the fast reactor cycle from the viewpoint of nuclear fuel cycle material balance analysis. In this report, we report the possibility of multiple recycling of light water reactors, the effect of reducing the MOX fuel storage amount when using light water reactors and fast reactors in combination, and the effective use of geological disposal facilities.



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