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Report No.

Development of under sodium viewer, 3; Imaging test in sodium

Aizawa, Kosuke ; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka  ; Ara, Kuniaki ; Yui, Masahiro*; Jinno, Kentaro*; Hiramatsu, Takashi*

Inspection in opaque liquid metal coolant is one of important issues for sodium-cooled fast reactors. To facilitate operations and maintenance activities, the under sodium viewer (USV) has been developed. JAEA works target practical use of the USV which adopts the optical receiving system. The optical receiving system measures the vibration displacement of diaphragm by using a laser as a receiving sensor. In this study, the experiments in water and in sodium focused on the improvement of elemental technology were conducted. From the experimental results, the controlling factor about the propagation behavior of sound pressure and the image reconstruction were investigated.



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