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Report No.

Measurements of gamma-ray emission probabilities in the decay of americium-244g

Nakamura, Shoji  ; Terada, Kazushi*; Kimura, Atsushi   ; Nakao, Taro*; Iwamoto, Osamu  ; Harada, Hideo   ; Uehara, Akihiro*; Takamiya, Koichi*; Fujii, Toshiyuki*

Accurate data of $$gamma$$-ray emission probabilities are frequently needed when one quantitatively determines the amount of isotope by $$gamma$$-ray measurements or obtains neutron capture cross-sections using them. Americium-243, one of the most important minor actinides, produces $$^{244}$$Am after neutron capture. The 744-keV $$gamma$$-ray decaying from the ground state of $$^{244}$$Am has a relatively large $$gamma$$-ray emission probability c.a. 66%, however, its uncertainty is as large as 29%. The uncertainty of the $$gamma$$-ray emission probability leads to a major factor of the systematic uncertainty on determining an amount of isotope, and therefore the $$gamma$$-ray emission probability was measured by using an activation method and an examined level structure of $$^{244}$$Cm. In this study, the emission probability of 744-keV $$gamma$$ ray was derived as 66.5$$pm$$1.1%, and its uncertainty was improved from 29% to 2%.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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