Numerical simulation of thermal striping phenomena for fundamental validation and uncertainty quantification; Application of least square version GCI and area validation method to impinging jet in a T-Junction piping system
基本妥当性確認と不確かさ評価のためのサーマルストライピング現象の数値解析; T管体系での衝突噴流解析への最小二乗GCIとエリアバリデーション法の適用
田中 正暁
Tanaka, Masaaki
A numerical simulation code MUGTHES has been developed to estimate high cycle thermal fatigue in SFRs. In development of numerical simulation code, verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) are indispensable. In this study, numerical simulation at impinging jet condition in the WATLON experiment which was the water experiment of a T-junction piping system was performed for the fundamental validation. Based on the previous studies, the simplified least square version GCI method and the area validation metrics were employed as reference methods to quantify uncertainty and to measure the degree of difference between the numerical and the experimental results, respectively. Through the examinations, the potential applicability of the MUGTHES to the thermal striping phenomena was indicated and requirements of modification in the simulation was suggested in accordance with the uncertainty values.