Numerical modeling of radiation heat transfer under sodium spray combustion in sodium-cooled fast reactors
青柳 光裕 ; 高田 孝 ; 大野 修司 ; 宇埜 正美*
Aoyagi, Mitsuhiro; Takata, Takashi; Ohno, Shuji; Uno, Masayoshi*
Heat radiation is one of dominant heat transfer process during a sodium fire event which is a concern in sodium-cooled fast reactor plants. This study aims to model radiation heat transfer from combusting droplets. Radiation energy transport on the combustion flame surface around a sodium droplet is formulated considering emission, absorption and scattering through a similar approach to the formulation of the wall boundary condition. The improved model is tested trough a simple verification analysis and a benchmark analysis on an upward sodium spray combustion experiment. As the result, overestimation of atmospheric temperature and pressure is mitigated by the improved model due to increase in heat transfer to structure.