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Report No.

Quark model estimate of hidden-charm pentaquark resonances

Hiyama, Emiko; Hosaka, Atsushi; Oka, Makoto   ; Richard, J.-M.*

A quark model, which reproduces the ground-state mesons and baryons, i.e., the threshold energies, is applied to the $$qqqcbar c$$ configurations, where $$q$$ is a light quark and $$c$$ the charmed quark. In the calculation, several open channels are explicitly included such as $$J/psi +N$$, $$eta_c+N$$, $$Lambda_c +D$$, etc. To distinguish genuine resonances and estimate their width, we employ Gaussian Expansion Method supplemented by the real scalingmethod (stabilization). No resonance is found at the energies of the $$P_c(4380)$$ and $$P_c(4450)$$ pentaquarks. On the other hand, there is a sharp resonant state at 4690 MeV with $$J=1/2^-$$ state and another one at 4920 MeV with $$J=3/2^-$$ state, which have a compact structure.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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