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システム化規格概念に基づく液体金属炉用供用期間中検査規格ASME Code Case N-875

ASME Code Case N-875 for inservice inspection of liquid metal reactors developed based on the system based code concept

浅山 泰 

Asayama, Tai

ASMEボイラー及び圧力容器規格Section XI Division 3(液体金属炉用の供用中検査規格)に対して、2017年にシステム化規格概念に基づくCode Case N-875が発刊され、従来よりも合理的な検査計画が適用可能になった。本発表ではコードケースの内容を審議の経緯を含めて紹介するとともに、現在ASME規格委員会において本コードケースの概念を取り入れながら開発が進められている、軽水炉を含む多様な炉型をカバーする維持規格案の動向にも言及する。

Cose Case N-875 was issued in 2017 as an alternative requirement to the ASME Boilier and Pressure Vessel Code Section XI Division 3. The Case is based on the System Based Code concept and allows the use of more reasonable inspection plans than those currently applied. This presentation makes an introduction to the Case along with discussions that took place within the Code Committee. Also described is a related code development activity in the ASME Committee that incorporates the logic flow of the Case.



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