※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

The Analysis of the contents of telephone inquiries from the public during the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident


臼井 秀雄; 小林 博英 

Usui, Hideo; Kobayashi, Hirohide

After the Fukushima nuclear accident, MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) established "Helplines" for the public. Such helplines were operated under the support of the facilities, such as JAEA and universities. Because of difficulties arising from huge number of inquiries, their diversity, limit of the expertise of the corresponding staff, etc., it was recognized that appropriate manuals should be prepared for the helplines. To develop such manuals in the future, the inquiries were analyzed by using a text mining technique that is a computer-based analysis to derive information from text. As a result of text mining, a co-occurrence network centered on "Children", "Safe" and "Dose" was shown. It can be seen that these words are related to various anxieties from the public.



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