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Status of proton accelerators and their future plan at J-PARC


長谷川 和男

Hasegawa, Kazuo

The J-PARC (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex) is a high intensity proton accelerator facility. The facility consists of a 400 MeV linac, a 3 GeV Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS), a 30 GeV Main Ring synchrotron (MR) and three experimental facilities. The RCS provides a 3 GeV proton beam to the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (MLF) at a repetition rate of 25 Hz for neutron and muon experiments. A part of the beam from the RCS is injected to the MR and accelerated up to 30 GeV. The MR has two beam extraction modes; a fast extraction (FX) for the long-baseline neutrino experiment (called Tokai-to-Kamioka (T2K) experiment), and a slow extraction (SX) for the Hadron Experimental Facility. The maximum beam intensities for routine operation are 500 kW for the MLF, 495 kW for the FX and 51 kW for the SX. In order to increase a beam intensity for the MR-FX, a plan to shorten a cycle time is underway. The status of the J-PARC accelerators and future plan will be presented.



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