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Report No.

Safety measures in the melting facilities of The Advanced Volume Reduction Facilities; Document collection of discussion meetings related to melting facilities

Iketani, Shotaro; Yokobori, Tomohiko; Ishikawa, Joji; Yasuhara, Toshiyuki*; Kozawa, Toshiyuki*; Takaizumi, Hirohide*; Momma, Takeshi*; Kurosawa, Shingo*; Iseda, Hirokatsu; Kishimoto, Katsumi ; Myodo, Masato ; Kozawa, Kazushige 

Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) adopts melting process for the waste processing and packaging method of radioactive miscellaneous solid waste in NSRI because melting process is effective in radioactivity evaluation, volume reduction, and stabilization treatment. Metal melting processing facilities, Incinerator, and Nonmetal melting processing facilities (hereinafter referred to as melting process facilities) have taken lots of safety measures, including measures for preventing the recurrence of the fire accidents. To exchange opinions and discuss the validity of these measures and so on with internal personnel and external experts, "Discussions on Melting Process Facilities" was held. As a document collection, this paper summarizes presentation materials of discussion meetings. Presentation materials describe "Outline of AVRF", "Safety measures in the melting facilities in WVRF", "Operation management of the melting facilities in WVRF", "Comparison of the past accident cases between facilities in and outside Japan and WVRF", and "Introduction of past accident cases and safety measures in other facilities from each committee".



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