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Report No.

Status report on Japanese NDC-2; Current status of Xenon joint measurement project at Horonobe and Mutsu

Yamamoto, Yoichi ; Kijima, Yuichi ; Tomita, Yutaka 

Based on repeated DPRK's nuclear tests, the Japanese government contributed funds for the noble gas measurement project in February 2017 for the purpose of strengthening CTBTO's detection capability for nuclear tests. The CTBTO decided to conduct measurements in Hokkaido and Tohoku regions of Japan for the time being, and to enhance JAEA with experiences and performance of measurements in Japan as the responsible organization. In response to this, the JAEA has installed two mobile noble gas measurement systems at Horonobe, Hokkaido and JAEA Ohminato site in Mutsu, Aomori, and been carrying out the joint measurement project with the CTBTO. The current status of this project will be presented.



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