JENDL/ImPACT-2018; A New nuclear data library for innovative studies on transmutation of long-lived fission products
Kunieda, Satoshi ; Furutachi, Naoya; Minato, Futoshi ; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki ; Iwamoto, Osamu ; Nakayama, Shinsuke ; Ebata, Shuichiro*; Yoshida, Toru*; Nishihara, Kenji ; Watanabe, Yukinobu*; Niita, Koji*
A new nuclear data library, JENDL/ImPACT-2018, is developed for an innovative study on the transmutation of long-lived fission products. Nuclear reaction cross- sections are newly evaluated for incident neutrons and protons up to 200 MeV for 163 nuclides including long-lived nuclei such as Se, Zr, Pd and Cs. Our challenge is an evaluation of cross-sections for a number of unstable nuclei over a wide energy range where the experimental data are very scarce. We estimated cross- sections based on a nuclear model code CCONE that incorporates an advanced knowledge on the nuclear structure theory and a model-parameterization based on a new experimental cross-sections measured by the inverse kinematics. Through comparisons with available experimental data on the stable isotopes, it is found that the present data give predictions of cross-sections better than those in the existing libraries.