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Report No.

Kinetic behavior of the liquid sodium-calcium carbonate reaction

Koga, Nobuyoshi*; Kikuchi, Shin  

The reaction of liquid Na with CaCO$$_{3}$$ was studied kinetically as a model reaction of the liquid Na with structural concreate by postulating a severe accident in a sodium-cooled fast reactor. The reaction that occurs in the temperature range of 650-850 K was detected by the exothermic DSC peaks. In the case of liquid Na-CaCO$$_{3}$$ powder reaction, four exothermic peaks appeared by overlapping partially. The changes in the distribution of CaCO$$_{3}$$ powder in liquid Na and contact area of the reactants as the reaction advances are the possible reason for the apparent multistep reaction. For the liquid Na-CaCO$$_{3}$$ pellet reaction, the single DSC exothermic peak was observed as the result of the one-dimensional regulation of the reaction geometry.



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